I sometimes....can't. I am not giving up Project 37, but I can't.
"Evolving artists often encounter a "crisis of belief." This means a failure of belief in the possibility of one's art connecting and being worthwhile, as well as belief in oneself as a creative dynamo. This crisis, which can lead to inertia and outright failure, is the penalty that comes with knowledge and understanding. It was ever thus, and it's part of the evolution of cultures.
To get those juices back artists need to reinstate a kind of blind faith in their mission and their capabilities. This may require some modification of goals and a shot of self-deception. While self-managed relaxation and re-centring may be necessary, more than anything it requires a resorting of priorities. Some artists opt for the maximum joy they can attain from the work itself, rather than trying to save the world. If all else fails there is always beauty. There's something to be said for beauty. Other artists see shallowness in beauty manufacture, and try to put more meaning and purpose into their work. We humans are marked by our capability of reinventing ourselves, and time and time again we evolve by these decisions." -- Robert