The blue one "7/37 Nattie Gone Smokes" was initially the first sketch
then it evolved into this

I started coloring with watercolors and colorpencil...then Bam! complete bullshit...

So I looked at the sketch today and decided to enhance it digitally

Nattie Gone :)
I'm trying...I swear. I said I'm not giving up.
By the way, I fixed the whole Feeds problem.....I'm sorry. Many people warned me about it, I realized I couldn't add myself to netvibes so I fixed bad.
Question to my lovely limited followers:
What inspires you?
Estoy intentando ... en serio que si. Dije que no lo iba a dejar.
Por cierto, arregle el problema de los feeds ..... lo siento. Mucha gente me advirtió sobre eso, me di cuenta que yo no me podia añadir a Netvibes, así que que lo arregle.
Pregunta para los que ven este blog:
¿Qué te inspira?