This is my first screenprinting project.
When I was in highschool I refused to take screenprinting lessons because I thought it was useless. Like photography (silly me) I realized this technique is amazing, as well as photography.
I documented the process.
The materials
The design.
I have to say something about theses inks. I used lithographic paint. The red paint is a pain in the ass. It's thick and messy and really hard to work with. The yellow paint is another pain in the ass. Due to its substance the paint is thin and transparent. It takes twice the time to dry. The blue paint is amazing, it's perfect overall. But when I made green paint the yellow took over this cool color.
So here's my 4 hours of pain with the red paint
Forgot to put the paper and I printed the glass
kill the red, kill the red
Linig up the artwork
Bloody red
Blue tryouts
Next day. Green
Finally done after so many hours
This is the result. :)
By the way, the illustration was based on "I shot Andy Warhol" movie. Great movie :)
me regalas uno?
Mmmm... eso de regalar es muy facil. Intercambio.
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